I would be unhappy if my children were not in the top group in each subject.
Emm. But the pertinent idea is how each
kid feels about placement.

I agree with other people here. It seems odd to want to see a child placed in the top group of a given subject simply for the sake of being there, which is what you've implied.
One of my kids isn't super-good at math. He was placed in the 2nd group last year, and that's great. The work was appropriate for his level and he ended up getting good grades in math and understanding it pretty well last year. this is much better than struggling through lessons that are moving too quickly and placing undue strain on a student. (IMO, too much stress over a subject can make a kid develop a long-lasting dislike of it).
Alternatively, my daughter was in the second group for a while and was crying about it because it was moving too slowly for her. I advocated a bit and they moved her up. She did better in the higher group because the challenge was, well, less below her level and she was less frustrated.