Originally Posted by cricket
Being a "gifted reader" and being intellectually gifted aren't the same thing IMHO. One implies performance in a specific academic subject and the other something different about your overall brain wiring.

Ahhhhhhhh-- YES.

I also think that it furthers that misunderstanding for NAGC to be redefining gifted as they have in the past year or so. I really have gotten the impression that the "there is no one test for giftedness" is not lip service from our local GT entities. I believe that they do believe that IQ alone does not necessarily indicate giftedness.

YES, and I share that particular concern.

I'm thinking that this is not a simple equation, but it makes absolutely zero sense to me that a child with IQ = 160 could possibly be considered "not really gifted" by a school based program.

That boggles my mind.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.