There are pockets of this kind of parenting even here in the US.
We live in one. Perhaps not coincidentally, it's also a hotspot for adolescent mental health problems and teen suicide.

There are two main groups of parents here-- the free-range, artsy, Waldorfian, hippy, organic free-love kind... and the TigerParents (only some of whom are ethnically Asian).
TigerParents don't like kids like mine (because even
they can see what an impossibility that is for a NT kid to live up to, never mind
surpass) and so they want BROAD tracking, not actual GT programming, because most of them fear that their own kids
might not qualify for GT if it were truly selective. They fight efforts to make GT programs less inclusive and more rigorous or specialized. Recall, about 30% of our district is ID'ed as "GT" by virtue of being above the 90th percentile on a nationally normed standardized
achievement test. (Yeah, yeah... don'
GroovyParents don't like our
parenting and are pretty sure that we MUST be abusive for our daughter to have the kind of achievement/ability that she does. Most of them are eventually quite surprised to discover that we're actually not very rigid, controlling, or pushy.
On the other hand, some of the TigerParents eventually conclude that they should "feel sorry" for DD because we are so 'alternative' in our parenting.

Either that or they persist in telling themselves that we're really the ones doing it.... (just like some of THEM, perhaps?)