Thanks zen...see he's weird because as even in the eval it was noted that his attention and focus are quite good even on difficult tasks and tasks he considers boring... He is very amenable to motivation as well. But where he seems to break down is sequencing / sequential and multi- step tasks? Like he literally can't keep the stuff in his head . His visual memory is fantastic btw. See here is an example of his odd profile - he was great at digit spam going forward but can't do it at all going backwards ( again I have read this is very common with dyslexics). I was thinking its related to the vision issues so I thought I'd see improvement since he's been doing vision therapy for nine months now. However, he seems to be remaining the same with this WM deficit.

Sorry if my posts are not so great I am typing on my phone!

I should add I am not sure exactly what the psych thinks as she simply sent me report, scores and observations - no conclusions yet. We are suppose to meet to discuss.

Last edited by marytheres; 02/07/13 08:48 AM.