It's kind of sad in a way that it isn't AdHd. Then perhaps i could try meds. but i believe he doesnt have Add/ADHD. I can see why it isnt coming up. however, this profile/weakness is a big problem! When researching it on the Internet I found that 70% of kids with dyslexia have this specific problem/weakness. I still think looking at his test results he has mild/stealth dyslexia or dysgraphia even though it looks like the psych doesn't believe that to be the case ( he is below average in phonome and has the working memory issues but is above grade level in reading and 2 years behind in writing (despite years of OT which he now does twice weekly!)

Anyway, Thanks for the suggestions all and keep 'em coming !

Last edited by marytheres; 02/07/13 08:35 AM.