You might not want my advice, but I'd just take a deep breath and try some daily strategies and do more research before you push for a dx that might not be appropriate.

Does your DS have a Feb. vacation? We have it here, it's really great timing. Time for a breather from school, do lots of fun stuff even if just at home all day.

Have you read books like The Dyslexic Advantage (whether or not he is dyslexic, that's type of "top down" thinking), Misdiagnosis/Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children and all that?

Also Dr. Thomas Armstrong has a site and books that I really like for "neurodiverse" kids.

I forget how old your DS is - have you asked him what he thinks might work for strategies (not the big therapy issues, just day-to-day things) or gotten his opinion? I think many of us get into the pattern of one-way communication with our kids when we're trying to help them. I've found my DD(9) loves to be drawn in to the plan, but sometimes it's hard to stay in the productive/strategic mode and not fall back on the direct/remind mode.