Originally Posted by bzylzy
and p.s. my DD was diagnosed by a behavioral optometrist as having convergence insufficiency. The pediatric opthalmologist absolutely disagreed, said it is the way her brain is wired (actually upon doing some research this opinion is more closely associated with things I've read by the Eides). So we're between a rock and a hard place there...that's another thread.

By the way, Bzylazy, I wanted to comment on this. Today my son did he three month eval with his vision doc and they give him all kinds of tests to see if the VT is helping, where he is still struggling, etc. Anyway, he did a near point test and again I could "see" my son's eye cross and then his eyes physically and obviously became very irritated during the test. Seeing this means to me that no other doctor could tell me my kid doesn't have intermittent convergent strabismis. I literally saw his left eye quickly cross in while his right eye stayed straight... when this happened his eyes became red and irritated looking, then started watering as he tried to continue the exercise but the left eye crossed in a few times and caused him more irritation, fatigue and inability to keep his eyes working (basically he couldn't keep them following a target together - he physically struggled to get them physcially focused.) I don't know what type of convergence issue your daughter has but maybe seeing her do some of the tests could help you feel more sure in one of the doctor's opinions/diagnosis. Just a thought as it sounds like you don't know what/who to believe.

Last edited by marytheres; 02/07/13 06:27 PM.