Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by marytheres
It's kind of sad in a way that it isn't AdHd. Then perhaps i could try meds. but i believe he doesnt have Add/ADHD.

It's ironic because my DS has the ADHD diagnosis you need for meds, but I don't want to try meds. Isn't it funny how it works out sometimes.

My neighbour's MG DS10, who has similar issues to yours, was assessed for ADHD and didn't meet the criteria either. Instead they've worked with an OT to try and coordinate his central nervous system. I guess the theory is the OT activities stimulate areas of his brain and force the right and left hemispheres to work together (I think that's what his mom told me - I could be mistaken).

Have you tried OT?

He does OT for hypotonia but not for any working memeory/executive function issues. Let me ask you this - do the meds your son is on specifically help him do remember muti-tasks and remember sequences? My guy isn't running around hyper-active, he doesn't have impulse control problems, he focuses well, he is mostly very attentive... He has problems "remembering" things, especially remembering sequences - he can't tie his shoes (because he can't get the sequence aspect of it down), he can't remember left from right, if I tell him to do three things - he may forget one but mostly what he has problems with is if he is suppose to do the things in an order, ykim? Do meds help that? For example, if he were really add/adhd and he got meds would he be able to the digit span test backwards?

If I were to put him on meds (and I am not a doc so obviously I can't just try it on my onw but I totally feel like I could shop around for a doc or even persuade his pediatrician to try him on adhd/add meds) and he were truly add/adhd would I see that stuff immediately improve like a "light switch"(given the right med, dosage and that he is really add/adhd)? Because if so, it may be worth a shot really. I don't want to turn my back on something that really could help, ykim? Even if I am skeptical that is the true problem.

I could ask where he gets his OT for hypotonia if the do OT for working memory/executive function... I know they offer like a group class thing for it (but you have to 8 or 9 to take it - he's not old eneough for it yet)

Last edited by marytheres; 02/07/13 05:33 PM.