Originally Posted by marytheres
Let me ask you this - do the meds your son is on specifically help him do remember muti-tasks and remember sequences? My guy isn't running around hyper-active, he doesn't have impulse control problems, he focuses well, he is mostly very attentive... He has problems "remembering" things, especially remembering sequences - he can't tie his shoes (because he can't get the sequence aspect of it down), he can't remember left from right, if I tell him to do three things - he may forget one but mostly what he has problems with is if he is suppose to do the things in an order, ykim? Do meds help that? For example, if he were really add/adhd and he got meds would he be able to the digit span test backwards?

Do you know about the difference between the different types of ADHD? There is something called ADHD predominantly inattentive type, which is different from the stereotype.

It can cause memory issues, problems with sequencing tasks, and executive function glitches.

I would not under any circumstances just doctor-shop and try meds. I'd get someone who really knows what they're doing to evaluate for ADHD-- a neuropsych can do a battery of tests where the pattern of glitches will reveal ADHD if it is there.

Originally Posted by marytheres
I could ask where he gets his OT for hypotonia if the do OT for working memory/executive function... I know they offer like a group class thing for it (but you have to 8 or 9 to take it - he's not old eneough for it yet)

I should warn that in our experience OTs claim to be able to fix many things that they cannot fix. (I realize that others' mileage will vary.) Nothing an OT has done has ever improved our kids' ability to function in that regard.

For younger kids (1st-2nd grade, say), the only thing that is proven to work on ADHD is meds; as they get older you can do more and more behavior training and coaching on workarounds so that they learn to manage themselves. But again, I would not attempt to diagnose this, nor would I let the general pediatrician prescribe this kind of medication for my kid.
