Originally Posted by DeeDee
I don't know much about this. I can tell you that we have worked on it in many small ways. We send our kids on small "trips" in the house ("please go to the basement and bring back one can of chicken broth") that reinforce the skill of keeping something in your head.

marytheres, I'm glad DeeDee mentioned this (which is a great idea!)... because it reminded me of something from the years when my dd was younger and we didn't realize she had vision issues. We were *extremely* worried about her ability to remember simple directions -we would ask her to go to another room and bring back something - very simple directions that her two-years younger sister could easily do- and she'd completely forget, get distracted so easily. This was all happening before we'd been to see a neuropsych for ds, so I wasn't familiar with terms like working memory back then, but today I'd describe what was going on as appearing to be challenges with short term and working memory. But really - it wasn't! The things that looked like memory issues improved tremendously after improvements from VT started kicking in. Her eye dr says it is a combination of visual distractions plus the combined load of effort required to process visual information is overwhelming the resources available to the child to integrate visual plus auditory systems etc.
