Originally Posted by CCN
Yes!! I know. This makes me *^%* c.r.a.z.y. I happened to get into a conversation with a mom once about my DD's early milestones and she commented that she had let her own daughter have "a normal childhood without flash cards or drills."

??? !!!! (Are you KIDDING me?)

I never once tried to teach my daughter anything that she didn't obsessively seek first. I still remember her "furniture walking" at 10 months, chasing after me, one hand on the wall, the other clutching a book. She had me so worn out that I would literally try and escape to the bathroom. "Go see Daddy!" She'd sit and wait, and pound on the door. When I'd emerge, she'd hold up the book and look at me with these intense, old soul eyes.

Flash cards my A**.

Thanks for the post, CCN--LOL!! Our DD (now 8) wasn't quite that assertive or as early of a reader, but there are still times I want to go hide somewhere for a break from all the questions and arguments (oops--'discussions'). Fortunately DH and I trade off more now than we did when she was little, or I would definitely have lost my mind.