Hi Asha
Welcome. You are not alone in noticing that your toddler is 'not like the others' but this age many of the moms here have learned to button their lips when getting together to chat politely with the neighbor moms. I have met a lot of mon who decided that motherhood must have changed then into shy untalkative people when really it was the subtle looks that shut them up.

So I wish that their was such a thing as an IQ test for a 2.5 year old that was both accurate and respected. I further wish that there were programs availible to slot kids into by ability.

I think the closest you will get is Talent Ignighter Website. If you can find a preschool program that is only for gifted kids, then they will probably have a particular way to test that they prefer, I'd go with that.

It's really heartbreaking to send your kid to preschool with a bunch of agemates that can't talk to your kid or understand the kind of games your child wants to play, so I totally understand your worry and concern.

Visit various programs, see what the kids do, see how the teachers treat them, see what's on the book shelf. Especially as the mom of a girl, you want to be extra careful that whatever environment you place her in will be sending the message: 'We like that you are strong of mind. We respect you.'

Sometimes the best sort of preschool is the 'one room schoolhouse' sort of set up, perhaps a home daycare with older kids in a playbased setting. The worst is the kind were kids sit in circle for hours being force-fed 'Apple starts with A' over and over.

Keep posting and let us know what's on your mind. I'm just guessing here!
Love and More Love,

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