Originally Posted by Isaiah09
My son is obsessed with numbers and letters and has been since about 14 months. He says his ABC's forwards and backwards, says the phonics sounds and is reading and spelling at an early level. He also is really into sign language and taught himself the sign language alphabet. He likes to hear and do everything in the spanish version too. This really isnt bragging. Maybe it sounds like it but I feel like I can't find any other playmates for my son that want to sit and spell and count and sign words all day. He is already socially outcast at his daycare. I just worry that eventually he will start underperforming once he realizes that his peers don't think what he's doing is cool.

My son did the ABC thing too. He would sign while singing them backwards or forwards equally as fast. He was hyper focused on anything to do with reading or language. Keeping his abilities on the low down wasn't even remotely close to possible. He would read anything and everything everywhere. People would constantly either stop and look at him like he was a circus act or give me the "look" as I must be tormenting him at home with flash cards. As if you can get an average 2 year old to read a menu or magazine.

He moved on to hyper focusing on Bugs, then Marine life, then Space, etc! I have always tried to indulge his latest interest within reason. He moves on to a new one at some point. Your DS sounds a lot like mine was at that age. He had no real peers just a bunch of age mates. Does it bother your son to not play with other kids? My Ds didn't care about playing with his age mates. He started connecting with other kids around 8 and has a great social life now at 12. He still will describe only a few friends "get" him. He would rather have a deep relationship with someone than a shallow one with many. He will downplay his achievements in front of his friends at times, but he hasn't gone so far as to underachieve.

The moms can be hard to deal with. Forums like this are an amazing outlet for connecting with parents that get it. Here you are NOT bragging about his abilities! You are sharing your pride in your son in an environment that it is accepted to do so. I have 2 close friends with GT kids, but still considerably lower LOG than mine. I don't share every last deal with them, but know a great deal my DS in particular. They have been nothing but supportive. They understand GT in kids. If you can find one or two friends that "get it", it will be a high relief for you.