Thank you so much for your replies. I feel much better knowing that I am not alone. There really needs to be more programs for gifted children.

It is so true that it is best to keep a lid on what your gifted child can do. This is hard for me because my son doesn't realize that when he goes around everywhere counting, spelling, and doing sign language, other parents are not happy about how advanced he is. I don't go around bragging but he brings attention to himself and them women I thought were my friends are now acting funny. They give me funny looks and don't conversate with me like they use to. I know they are comparing my son to their children. I can't help that he is gifted. Of course I am happy but I'm just a mom and want the best for my child like any other parent. Really all children have gifts and talents. I don't think parents should be comparing there children so much to what others are doing.

I really would like to find other moms whose child is doing similar things. My son is obsessed with numbers and letters and has been since about 14 months. He says his ABC's forwards and backwards, says the phonics sounds and is reading and spelling at an early level. He also is really into sign language and taught himself the sign language alphabet. He likes to hear and do everything in the spanish version too. This really isnt bragging. Maybe it sounds like it but I feel like I can't find any other playmates for my son that want to sit and spell and count and sign words all day. He is already socially outcast at his daycare. I just worry that eventually he will start underperforming once he realizes that his peers don't think what he's doing is cool.

Best of luck to all of you with gifted children. I know no one feels sorry for us but it comes with its own set of struggles.

Last edited by Isaiah09; 06/29/12 09:54 AM.