Being a parent of a gifted child is a fun, exciting, amazing, Sometimes shocking job but its also a scary, frustrating, lonely, more difficult, confusing, and sometimes tearfull job.

Most gifted children are asynchronous so while he is 2yrs old he may be reading like a 6yr old, doing math like a 4-5yr old, have the emotions of a 2yr old, but the attention span of a 4yr old, the hand eye cordination of a 3yr old, and so on and so forth. The best thing you can do is try your best to not strictly treat him like he is one specific age. He needs you to treat him emotionaly like a little baby boy because one moment your child may be playing with a shape sorter and say "sshhh.. Im trying to concentrate" (my daughter at almost 2yrs old) but the next minute they may scream and cry because they cant have a cookie before lunch or fall and scrape a knee and need you to know they are still a baby.

The best thing you can do is learn about him and try to understand him as best you can because he is going to need someone hwho understands and doesnt treat him like he is different or special but that he is just him i used to always say of my daughter "she doesnt know she is ______(insert age her)"

As well i dont even bother with same aged groups anymore. Let him play with 4-5 yr olds if he needs to because you probably wont find a lot of 2yr olds who interest him.
As well as you already know its really a bad idea to tell others even some family members what your child can do or has done. No matter how you word it they will think you are bragging or trying to make them feel bad.
I can only tell my mom and my best friend about the funny cute things my kids do. Even my own sister decided i was trying to make her feel bad by telling her about my kids. I tryed several different aproaches with my sister even explained my frustrations but she still doesnt see it from my side and would rather think im bragging or "to focused on my kids being smart". So i keep my mouth zipped up tight unless im with the couple people who understand.