In case you haven't yet, you can also search the archived posts for useful information. It's amazing how the same questions come up over and over again, and so nice to have a place (here) where you can talk about it.

Our DD8 wasn't doing things quite as early as your son but was an early reader and all we did for quite awhile was just be sure to read to her a lot (until she could read herself, and wanted to read alone) and keep a lot of books around--including the 'next level' books (you know, the ones they will start reading next--like early reader chapter books for your son), and books in any area for which they have expressed some kind of interest.

For schools, our DD has had some wonderful luck and some awful luck with Montessori schools, depending entirely on the particular teacher. If your kid is at all unusual, you should try to find a teacher who is okay with that rather than considering it a pain in the neck or it is unlikely to go well for your son.

Good luck with your pediatrician, but be prepared to be gazed at blankly, or knowingly (ah, another one of 'those' parents). I actually never broached this subject with any of our pediatricians because it just seemed like it would be a waste of time. But it's worth a shot--it would be great if more pediatricians (and teachers for that matter) were aware of gifted issues, and your bringing it up may be helpful in educating them.

Best wishes,

Last edited by Dbat; 06/30/12 04:23 AM. Reason: xtras!