Welcome. For my DD2.75 I realized she needed to be in a different environment from her current adult led, single age group day care. Which is not a knock on the day care, it is a great environment for most, and was for her too, up until earlier this year when she just shot beyond her peers (for example, she told us early in the year the other kids don't understand what she says to them). I too was wondering what to do, and after looking around this spring, we are hanging on for her to move to a Montessori in a few weeks time (end of August) where she'll be in with kids 3-6 yrs old.

Our very verbal has most of her book collection memorized, makes up her own stories, songs, and rhymes, and always asks what written words say, but I do not think she's reading yet. If nothing else, being on this board has given me a lot of perspective on conventional schooling and how it may or may not fit with our kids long term. Hopefully this Montessori is a positive near term option for her.