Let's talk about those daycare problems. Maybe we can brainstorm some things to try or maybe it is time to get professional help.

What is going on there? What have you tried? What hasn't worked so far?

I also hoped that my chiild would be more normal than I was and wouldn't have to suffer the way I did. No luck. I think he suffered more. I helped him a lot but he, being a boy, wasn't willing to suffer meekly. He suffered openly and make those arround him miserable to. He taught me that he has a natural human right to learn new stiff at school. I had had no idea. As a femalle I was willing to just blame myself forr needing stuff I wasn't getting. Social skills are learnable and I trained myself so people could like me but that didn't solve my longing for being around peope I enjoyed.

Some people journal some do therapy some call old friends some post but do whatever you do to master your past so it is availible for helpful information and inspiration but doesn't limit you to the beauty of the present and the rich field of possibilities. If you can't dig up old test scores or SAT schedule an IQ test for yourself! It is highly unlikely that you are just weird. You may be just Gifted or perhaps 2e.

Love and more love

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