Your DS dounds a lot like my DS at 2...he had a vety strong ability to understand visual symbols: letters, numbers, words, street signs, store signs, product logos. He had a very hard time with same age peers (especially when he was around 3-4 years old). His friends (er, my friends' kids) wanted to dress up like superheroes, but my son HATED to, even though he wanted to play with them. We finally found a Spiderman costume he would wear to get togethers...usually 20 minutes into the get-together he was off by himself doing puzzles. But it made him feel good to fit in. At 5.75 years, DS is much more confident and happy socially. I try to help him find a few 'typical' things to have in common with his peers since most of his friends (um, none) want to spend hours looking at a globe or doing science experiments.

Enjoy the ride of a voracious learner, and prepare to be blown away!