The RIAS is designed to be a cheap and quick IQ assessment. It's a reliable guide to general IQ, but its results can be skewed on the low side by a number of factors... and an LD is at the top of the list. The RIAS scores suggest you have an overall intelligence that is average, but that CMX score of 86 does seem to indicate a memory deficit, which would affect all the other scores. More extensive testing and evaluation would be required.

The WJ-III is an achievement test, and achievement doesn't necessarily correlate to giftedness. Gifted individuals are often underachievers, and achievers are often not gifted. It could be, as was said before, that you simply love books, and work hard.

Or, it could be that your WJ-III non-math skills are the best indication of your true abilities, since that's the one part of the assessment that didn't lean on a memory deficit. Again, more testing required.