I can't offer advise as great what's already been given, but I just wanted to give you one other tiny bit of food for thought... the most important factor in a person's life - whether they are happy/fulfilled, is the CHOICES they make. You don't have much control over anything else in life, beyond the choices that you make. How you choose to respond to the things in your life will determine your path. Continue making good choices, and investing time in things that make you happy and fulfill you, and no one can ever make you regret your life.
My older sister was one of those kids who was so completely obviously gifted... but where is she today? After a lifetime of terrible choices and never taking responsibility for anything, she's jobless, married to a man who's constantly either working minimum wage or getting fired, has 3 kids she can't take care of, and spent most of last year in a homeless shelter! A high IQ and a 'gifted' label don't mean squat if you don't make good choices in your life!
Thanks, epoh! I'm definitely going to continue to work hard and do my best always.