Originally Posted by Cricket2
Originally Posted by Iucounu
I've never, before this thread, ever heard anyone referred to as a gifted reader...
Personally, if someone were advanced a bit in reading but showed no other signs of giftedness, I would not tend to call them gifted, but rather a "strong reader".
I have b/c it is one of the domains for a gifted id in my local schools. There are truck loads of kids with a "gifted in reading" id. Their ids usually come from a combo of 95th percentile SRI lexile or NCLB or MAPs reading scores coupled with behavioral rating scales or As in reading or a CogAT reading subtest in the 95th percentile.

Point being, it isn't an unheard of area in which to be called gifted. I, personally, tend more to agree with you that gifted isn't about production or strong reading skills but rather differences in the way the brain processes information.

So the psych's diagnosis is legit? confused