I'm not a testing expert but I analyze a lot of data. It looks to me like you are not as good at math/non-verbal activities. You also mentioned a memory issue in one of the other emails. I don't know if there are subtest scores with the RIAS test or not but that might tell you more info. If you had problems on certain tasks that reflect memory, processing, non-verbal ability. A quick google of the RIAS shows only 4 subtests so if the non-verbal abilities are all mixed in it would make sense that all these tests are average. A more specific targeting test like the WISC or adult version might be helpful if it's important to figure out the breakout. Just looking at the discrepancy between verbal achievement and math, it does seem possible that you are verbally gifted with some type of memory/LD. Good Luck, I can't recall reasons for testing. If you are doing great in school, just keep going. Find something you like and excel. Effort/motivation is important not just test results.