I was diagnosed with a mild memory disorder, actually. The psych said that probably had a hand in my feeling like I had dyscalculia, along with my reading and writing scores.
I do love books, but I think I love them because reading has always just come to me; I've never had to work at it, and even when I was in the early grades, teachers would always say in reports that I was an extremely fluent reader. I was grades ahead where I should've been.
The freaky thing? My parents don't read. They hate it, and they never read for fun when I was growing up.
I really do think the memory thing has something to do with it. I'd have another assessment done, but I don't have the money, and this testing was done for free.
All I know is that the psychologist described me as gifted 3 times in his report, so I believed him.
Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate it.