Originally Posted by ReaderGirl
I went for testing because I suspected dyscalculia, and the psych explained that away with the rather large discrepancy between my math and my reading.

Although the term isn't in wide general use, I like to refer to this sort of thing as a 'bottleneck.' Many people believe that a 'true' learning disability has to bring a person well below average in their abilities - therefore your difficulties with math wouldn't cross into the LD territory. Of course many other people think that that is nonsense, and of course a gifted person who is average in some area may be experiencing a true LD. I use the term bottleneck to describe weaknesses in a person that is otherwise functioning in a gifted range, even if those weaknesses are weak enough to qualify as a full fledged LD, and side-step the political argument.

I wonder about the working memory disability though - have you ever been offered any ways to strengthen your WM? Biofeedback, Internet games, or the sorts of medication usually prescribed for ADHD. ADHD, particularly the inattentive sort, can be seen as a weakness in working memory, although I think that point is still quite controversial. So much depend on taking an honest look at how much the weakness is affecting you in daily life.


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