"Actually the school never really mentioned about him and adhd , but i am sensing it with the way his teacher sent me emails / notes , they wanted us to have him checked for it . that's why we took him to the pediatrician , and she gave us questionnaire , that me , my husband , and teacher had to fill out . Which turned out , pediatrician said , no adhd ."

I just went through this last year, only to find out that my daughter is not ADHD, but gifted and talented. This past week I came across "Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities or Supersensativities in gifted children" and I was blown away by the description that seems to be my daughter!

Now I'm trying to find out what to do about it, as the school has scheduled a meeting with me for this year, and my daughters grades are not being effected.

The main complaints are: She has trouble focusing, forgets to do routine tasks, talks out of turn, dis-ruptive... and now is not doing class work.

I've had my daughter taking a homeopathic, all natural herb and vitamin to calm her and try to help with her focus, and that seems to have helped significantly, but apparently not enough. I'm at a loss of how I can help her.

"It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are." by E.E. Cummings