Originally Posted by doclori
An IQ test done by a good educational psychologist will do a few things for you: Give you an idea of where he is compared to other kids; give the school an objective piece of evidence that he may have a need to work above grade level; give you access to "gifted-only" resources (DYS being just one of many). The school may do this for you, or you may need to go to a private psychologist.

Next, think about what you think will help your child. Read everything you can get your hands (and your mouse) on. There's a good book which describes various opions for acceleration and the research supporting them, as well as a strategy for coming up with a plan: "Re-Forming Gifted Education" by Karen B. Rogers. It was SO helpful to me this year with DS6.

Write out a plan, give it to your teacher, and ask for a parent-teacher conference in a few days to discuss. After that, do the ssame with the principal (they like you to follow the "chain of command").

Skipping is often a good option unless he's at/below grade level in a paricular area, or truly has attention/behavior probems. Maybe he could try an older grade for a week or two and see how it goes.

Finally, as a pediatrician myself, I can tell you that ADHD is underdiagnosed. That said, you DO need to have symptoms in more than one area of your life -- home, school, sports, social events. Pay attention, but the acting out could also be simple boredom.

Good luck!

Thank you for your help !!