An IQ/Achievement test was really the thing that helped us the most with our daughter's grade skip. We found the school administration really put a lot of emphasis on these tests.

If you choose to test your child, you have some decisions to make. The school may have a psychologist who can administer the tests for free. The trick is that sometimes these gifted kids give "unexpected" answers on IQ tests. Gifted kids often "think different". And if a tester doesn't have a lot of experience with gifted kids, they might not understand the child's answer--and they might not give as many points to this answer, even though it might in reality show high cognition. This is the reason why many of us on the board have gone to private psychologists who specialize in gifted children to have the IQ testing done. It can be very expensive (over $1000-2000??) If you want to go this route, feel free to ask on the forum for a respected gifted tester, hopefully there will be one near you.

A few more details. No matter who you test with, the test can not be repeated (I think) for 12 months.

The IOWA Acceleration Scale is a tool used by some schools to determine if a child is a good candidate for a grade skip. I think you would need IQ/achievement tests for the school to be able to use it.

Last edited by herenow; 10/07/11 08:20 PM.