Actually during the first 2 weeks of school , the teacher kept telling us about the problem my son had at school , such as fidgeting , interrupting , not keeping hands and feet to himself , squirms in seat a lot .. all of those signs of adhd , so we decided why not asking the pediatrician if he has adhd or no . i am well aware that a lot of children these days are misdiagnosed and just a little acting out , they're told they have adhd , i don't want my son to be misdiagnosed for something that he doesn't have and then forced to be put on a medication . So we took the questionare that the doctor gave us and the teacher , doctor said to be adhd it has to be everywhere , home , school, church , etc .. but my son's acting out only in school , and with that said , his pediatrician said no , he is not adhd , but he's gifted , even the school said this themselves that my son's acting out is probably due to the boredom and because he was a high ability student/ gifted .

We'll see what the school has to say , i probably will mention about skipping grade and like herenow says let my son try out the 2nd grade for a month or so , see how he does . This is exactly what his pediatrician said too yesterday .