Kate you should register your son with your regional CARD and get a CARD coordinator. Their funding has been cut to the bare bones but they are a big help.
My coordinator has had several parent workshops already this year. Not every topic applies to my son so I pick and choose which to go to. The parent workshops are nice ways to meet others and get support.
PM me with which county you are in and I will get you information on your CARD.
Also, if you have a coordinator, that would be the person working with your school so then you would know exactly what kind of training and networking they are doing with the CARD center or if the school is just blowing smoke. My coordinator will do "general autism spectrum" workshops to the entire staff of a school (including aides and lunchroom personnel) but she also does specific "Student A workshops" where she along with you would explain your specific child, strengths, challenges, and strategies. She could also do some sort of anti bullying workshops (probably with a slant towards students with disabilities being the target).
Last edited by Sweetie; 09/18/11 07:24 AM. Reason: forgot the last thing