DeeDee, We do have a BIP and detention is last on the list, but like I said they "justify" it by saying he "aggressively hit" this other kid. The BIP will be revised or discussed at the IEP meeting. I'm pretty sure we had to have a second meeting specifically for the BIP.
Yeah, it's an involved process. The part of a BIP that I think is routinely ignored but essential is the part that lays out what typically happens *before* the behavior, and what must be done to prevent the behavior. It's a legally binding document-- which means if it's written well it can help you get them to prevent unwanted behavior rather than acting on it after the fact.
Is anybody at school (special ed teacher?) taking data on interpersonal conflict and what the antecedents typically are? Data of this kind are terrific, if you can get them and if they were taken well: they reveal what's really going on and how to solve it in a way that anecdotes do not. (We have had to resort to our own behaviorist taking data, depending.)
Lunch and recess are supervised by aides, not teachers. We have repeatedly requested that they attend meetings regarding our son, but they never have. We are told that they get instructions passed on to them through the ESE liason.
You can certainly make your case that this isn't working. Find out from your advocate how to press the school to fix the bullying.
The school says it is behavior and not disability-related.
Yes, your experts are going to have to work on revising the school staff's understanding. I hope you can get them there.
Hang in there,