DeeDee, We do have a BIP and detention is last on the list, but like I said they "justify" it by saying he "aggressively hit" this other kid. The BIP will be revised or discussed at the IEP meeting. I'm pretty sure we had to have a second meeting specifically for the BIP.
Lunch and recess are supervised by aides, not teachers. We have repeatedly requested that they attend meetings regarding our son, but they never have. We are told that they get instructions passed on to them through the ESE liason.
As for detention being "usual" for DS, he had 2 detentions in 1st grade in January, and 2 in 2nd grade in April. That's why I said "earlier than usual" because he typically doesn't have problems in school until the holidays or summer is looming or past.
I think they purposely jumped on detention this time so quickly, because they think it will be a deterrent (which as you and I know it is not for ASD kids.) I cannot seem to convince them otherwise. I agree that getting our autism behaviorist involved is going to be essential. The school says it is behavior and not disability-related.
And hernow: Thanks for the book recommendation. I have never bought it and now seems to be the time!
Again, thanks everyone for the advice and support. I appreciate it all so much, Kate