I finished the book today while waiting for my son at his appt. The Dr. was just thrilled with him and she said he was so delightful. She said he seems to be thriving just fine with the schooling he's doing and that she doesn't see that it has been detrimental to his social developments and in fact is beneficial to his educational needs. She said she sees no reason why he can't strive to complete 4th and 5th grade this year since that's what he is saying he wants to do this school year as he is already testing on a 5th and 6th grade level. YAHOO! I can't wait for the ped. to get HIS copy of her eval. cool laugh :p She said she is sure that ADHD is in fact present and that he does suffer from Dysgraphia (sp?) as well as he has a hard time with his handwriting which is seen in about 80% of ADHD kids. I am sad to think of him continuing on his medication yet happy to know that he's ok in all the aspects our ped. was trying to get me worked up and concerned about. Still, I will keep this book handy as it was a great read and incredibly enlightening in many ways! Thanks again for the reccommendation! Now onto the next one!


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous