Well I'm glad I'm at least good for someone's entertainment. *smile* I will have to get a new ped. once we move...which will hopefully be in the next year...maybe two tops. The area we are considering moving to has an EXCEPTIONAL reputation for their schools and I actually think there may be hope for my son some day returning to the traditional school setting. It would have to be his decision to do so and of course the school would have to be accommodating. I have already started my research but just looking at the steep taxes we'd be forking out in the area they ought to offer a darn near college education to him. *gasp* We are not wealthy people and I don't mean to make it sound like we'd be moving to some overly "uppity" area but it is a considerably "higher end" area of this part of the state. (Nothing against anyone who is well off either) The schools get rave reviews from parents (yes PARENTS actually get to write their OWN reviews of the schools!...god help the school here if I figure out how to write one up on them. *falls off chair laughing*) and they say that parent involvement is so highly encouraged and they really do push the kids to reach their full potential so...that sounds really good on paper. Naturally the proof will be in whether they want parents like me to be involved. *snicker* Our ped. will probably FWD all medical records for the kids with some warning on the front of the kids' charts about what an OVERinvolved parent I am and how my son is a weirdo etc. I always wonder what little notes he is taking that I can't see...."mom is definately the one passing on the weirdo gene...." *chuckle* I did recently read a book on overindulgent parenting because of course I was worried that I was guilty of that too...has anyone figured out yet that I worry about EVERYTHING I could possibly be doing wrong for my kids? I didn't find myself to be guilty of that which was a relief. I think I am too strict sometimes so if I had to crack down more I'd really feel bad. See? I know our ped. thinks I don't worry about my son's social well being but I do....read like 5 books about it and EQ yadda yadda.....now I am just dying to get this book. Oh he's going to hunt you down for reccommending this book to me. He's going to pick some wax out of his ear and say "You heard about this book from a what? A message board? Didn't I tell you before you can read ANYTHING on the internet?" *howling with laughter* Maybe in the same sentence I'll mention that my son was told that Princeton U. has a really great Paleontology program. *giggle* He told my son the last time we were in "oh lots of little boys your age like dinosaurs and want to be one of those when they grow up but you'll probably change your mind...." He likely forgot he was talking to the child who couldn't be put in the room with the "incorrect dinosaur poster". Maybe he will change his mind but who cares? *shakes head* I guess I better get my son signed up for about 12 more sports though, huh? I mean Princeton U.....well! Maybe I'll just ask the ped. to fill out all the papers FOR me. I know I'm so snarky and mean. *blush* My son is so kind....I don't know where he gets that from.

So your son's teacher was still teaching all those years later? I don't think I'd have been able to hide my surprise. If that dinosaur my son had 2 years ago is still teaching when he's 14.....*zips mouth* How nice that your son has good manners. So many kids have many great qualities about them and have NO MANNERS and I think to myself...."geez! you were fine right up until...."

Our ped. asks a LOT of questions so that's why he knows so much. He always asks my son too and doesn't WANT me to answer. He likes to see my son's personality and his attention and interaction. Of course my son is usually very short with him so he doesn't get all the information anyway.....

You know....we never had show and tell here...at least MY SON was never allowed to take anything in. I would assume that means no one else had show and tell either. I shudder to think what he would have taken in. "here is what dog poop looks like when you put your dog on the raw diet...it's really cool because it's not mushy...." Well maybe not....we'll never know now. In so many ways he is still very very very much a 7 year old. Now he wants a darn gameboy. So I got him one. He doesn't know I got it yet...but he has to earn it and he knows that. He wants a skateboard too but I suspect that will pass so I'm not buying him one. He wants one because some kid told him he has the perfect sneakers for skateboarding. Pffft! He has the perfect bones to break too! *shudder*

Ok, way off topic now....


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous