Now I'm REALLY excited to read it. Our ped. will probably be really upset that I am reading it though. *evil laugh* I really like our ped. really I do. We agree on a LOT of things and his wife is a psychiatrist so I'd expect a little more from him but he has such a pre-determined opinion of removing ANY child from the tradtional school setting that my son, after ONE year of the pa cyber charter school, has already been labled "weird" by the ped. I know I need to just switch peds. but I can't do that just yet. I know you must be pounding your fists on your desktop and screaming "WHY WOMAN? WHY WHY WHY???" The fact of the matter is, this man is NOT in control of my son's education in any way and I don't need his approval or reccommendations or referrals for anything at this point in time and as I said I love every other aspect of the way he does his ped. business. I also have every intention of proving his wise *ss wrong and at some point bringing him to his knees in admittance that my son is no weirdo and while his conversations with my 7 year old may be "stoic" as he calls them, at no point have I jeopardized my son's future because I didn't heed his every warning. His greatest argument is the social factor and I just throw my hands up at people now who say that to me and say "oh social smocial! WTH do YOU know anyway?" Yes, I tend to come off as quite the *ss myself at times. *snicker* I really don't mean to be but heavens do people really think stupid morons bear these intelligent children? Ok, so we're capable of mistakes but we're also the ones who spend the most time reading about our kids and really customizing life for them not the schools or the drs or anyone else. *stomps foot* My ped. was so upset to find that my son wasn't on a sports team. Well I'm sure he'll nearly have an "O" right there in his little chair when I inform him at our next appt. that he played baseball this spring and he is looking to play baseball this fall. He was insistant that no college would consider him regardless of intellect if he was only interested in karate outside of his studies. Yeah, you read that correctly. I guess he's spoken with every admissions person from every college across the country about how important extracurriculars are even at age 7, right? Well, I ordered this book from yesterday and it just can't get here fast enough. I was disappointed that the library didn't carry it as I was anxious to get ahold of it in a hurry but I suspect I will be REALLY happy to have my very own copy. *smile* I can say my son also took longer to do a lot of fine motor things like shoe tying and whatnot. Oh his handwriting is DREADFUL at times but IF he takes his time he really can write nicely...usually he's just lazy and in a know the thoughts come too quickly or we just want to get to the next task.

Oh kinder. teachers...god bless them. My son's teacher complained EVERY DAY that he was rolling around on the floor making noises during what they call "reading mastery". I asked her exactly what they did during that time and she says "well for 45 MINUTES we sit them down and do letter sounds." After I picked my jaw up off the floor I told her she was lucky it was my son and not me because I'd have been shouting obscenities at her while rolling around instead of just noises. THE CHILD COULD READ ALREADY! She hated him from the minute he walked in the door. He was only 4 and was supposed to be in the K-4 class but of course I fought to have him tested for the K-5 class and he was easily granted the early admission. She was less then thrilled. She finally, would just tell him to go read a book by himself during the letter sounds crap because she couldn't stand him anymore. Yeah, she told me that. *shakes head* Did I mention this teacher is about 100 years old? She really loved the students who were little robots that did everything she asked like good little robots but boy don't raise your hand and want to expand on anything or b smarter then she is because....well forget it. *sigh* I was relieved that his first grade teacher was a guy who was only in his second year of teaching so for one thing he was not burned instead he and his wife had just adopted a baby so he took a nice 3 month leave or something right in the middle of the year and some woman came in and she didn't know what to do with my son either. *sigh* To this day, my son is still taking his ADHD meds. because for now there is no one of any medical fashion telling me he does not have ADHD but I have my doubts and I have talked with my son about this. He has asked to try a day without his meds. I should say med and not make it plural because he only takes one thing but anyway....we did try one Sunday and he was fine all day until the afternoon when the med would have worn off anyway and for some reason it was like he short circuited and I told him I didn't know that he could control himself all on his own just yet. I felt really bad saying that to him without really being sure I believe the whole ADHD factor for him anyway was all just too much to get into at the time. Maybe this book is just what we need. *smile* I did ask our ped. about getting an EKG or maybe it was an EEG or something done to test for ADHD? I recall on Dr. Phil there was some guy who said there IS in fact a definitive test like that which CAN say yes or no a child does or does not have ADHD based on brain activity this test reports. My ped. said "ugh yeah Dr. Phil is an entertainer." He said he knew nothing of this study and he even asked his wife about it and of course she knew nothing about it so he said it may still be in the research stages or something....of course this was before I saw the bad side of my ped. so I threw all that paperwork away. *scowl*

Well, now that I typed up a novel....and put you all to sleep....sweet dreams. *snicker*


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous