Thanks for the book reccommendation. I'll look that one up and give it a read as well. shocked ) I will read anything I can get my hands on for my kids and their benifit.

As for getting my 7 year old to 4th grade, he did that all by himself. He entered the local school here when he was 4. They have a standard k-4 program (we're in south central PA) although I had him test out of that so he was granted early entry to the k-5 class which is basically your ordinary kinder. He was well beyond that material intellectually but of course he did have to learn the raise your hand and some of the social aspects of the school setting so it served him well I suppose to endure it but the teacher was not very interested in having such a bright and precocious child in her class. He remained at that school for first grade with a better teacher but still not with the enrichment I felt he needed so for 2nd grade he and I decided together that he would try the Pa Cyber Charter school. He actually opted to do his work with books rather then online so he could work as fast as he wanted and therefore he completed second grade by last Thanksgiving and they sent out third grade for him as he was still to complete 180 days of school. He easily completed third grade by the end of the school year and that brings him to starting the 4th grade this August/September. (He turned 7 in March). So you see, it was his goal to complete both grades last year and his hard work that got him to 4th grade in such a hurry. All I did was get him enrolled in a school that would actually PERMIT him to do so. Originally he wanted to skip second grade all together but they felt there were too many essentials he would miss so he endured it and just worked that much faster to get to third grade. Now he seems to think he will complete both 4th and 5th grade this school year but I told him we'll have to look at the work and see if this is a realistic goal. I don't want to push him too hard and I don't want to hold him back at the same know. shocked )


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous