Here's my true confession... smile I have ADHD and my IQ is in the exceptional range. I always ignored the intelligence part until Mite came up with all his 2E issues and I've had to face myself in everything I read about him. I see his older brother, too.

Anyhow, I use Ritalin for most social situations where it is required that I don't touch people (I tend to grab people's arms when I'm talking to them or pound men on the back...etc...in search of that stimulation I need to keep focused on the social event), that I learn about someone new, that I stay in my seat..etc.

Now I truly believe my hyperactivity and other ADHD behaviors are actually overexciabilities, but the Ritalin does help me interact with my world. I do not live on Ritalin day to day and this is in agreement with my psychiatrist. I use it in proper dosage for situations where my OEs may overwhelm the unaware participants.

So, I know first hand what its like to live in that OE state and have the world try to figure me out and fit me in. If Mite needs meds, I will go for them only as I would for myself...not as a constant but only in the absolutely necessary.

Trinity, I'm finding our district to be so out of touch with IDEA. What to do? I'm going to fight with all I have to make sure Mite is in his best fit for education, but it really is a battle, isn't it?

He's requested no more testing, btw. He really only did the stuff with the school at the end of the year, then one 3 hour day with a psychometrist (aka psych student being used to administer test batteries. He told me it just wears him out because he's so worried he'll mess it up. He knows what is going on and is fed up with it all already and we are only 6 weeks into the discovery.


maybe chuckle, too...that's so Mite

Willa Gayle