Thank you for the reference. I am going to check this one out ASAP! Allegedly my son has ADHD but I have been saying all along that he can focus so well when he's interested and thriving on something that I just don't know that I believe it. I know that kids with ADHD do have that whole "hyperfocus" thing that goes on and I also know my son's father was diagnosed with ADHD many moons ago (you know before drs knew much of what they knew now so just IMAGINE how much was misdiagnosed in those days!) so if that was correct then genetically that is possible but he is also very gifted so....maybe his struggles were the same thing. Years ago there was so much less for gifted kids so it's quite possible. Anyway, I will be looking into this book and reading it cover to cover for sure! THANKS A BUNCH!


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous