Originally Posted by CFK
I would have to both agree and disagree with you ACS about the schools.
While I agree a good education can be found in unlikely places, I'd encourage anyone to pursue a gifted friendly school with like minded peers if they can.

Hi CFK-- I agree that The HG gifted friendly school can be a good option, but those programs are few and far between. Where we live it really is not an option so I didn't think about it.

I think it is really important to make a distinction between programs that are truly HG+ friendly (like the one your son is in) and programs that are "just" gifted programs. Many gifted programs put kids in classes that run the curriculum a year ahead. That's all. We had a chance to put DS in one of those and chose to keep him in a regular class. His teachers were willing to give him college level reading materials in his regular mixed-ability classroom, but the "gifted" classroom insisted that all the kids were doing the same thing (and the teacher in the gifted class wasn't nearly as good as the one he had.)

Regardless of what is on paper, you need to observe the school and the teachers, and see if it really will accomodate your child's needs. Don't trust the brochure!