Well, it *seems* "not normal" to me that he's writing before he's reading. It's certainly different than the order of things that everyone in my personal experience has progressed through. (Not that that matters, mind you. wink )

I mean, it's not that he's scribbling and calling it writing. That seems like something most kids do. He pretty much never did that. One day he just decided he was ready to write, and he said "How do you make an E?" Immediately he started making lovely Es that look like Es. He can sign his name very legibly. He drew a picture for his friend and wrote the friend's name on it. He loves to write. But he can't read a single word yet except his name, and he's not reliable about that.

He's a perfectionist--it's clear already--so maybe he's just the all or nothing kind of kid, and it's easier to write a letter for him now than it would be for him to read a WHOLE story or even a whole word.

Dunno. I just know it seems bass-ackwards to me. More evidence to make me wonder if this kid is just ND, is GT but just different than child #1, or 2E. <shrug> That's why I wondered how common it was.
