Originally Posted by Kriston
It makes me glad that DS3 isn't reading yet. (Though he is writing, if that makes any sense...I think there was someone else who had that some sort of weirdness with their child. CFK, was it you? Can't remember.)

Though I think my worries about 2E with him negate any sighs of relief I might have from his lack of early reading...

<taking two or three swigs before passing the bottle>

It was most likely me. Complete normal for us. LOL DS5 memorized hundreds of words when he was 2 and used to type them on the computer over and over. He also used to take books with simple words and type the words. May be that's why he is such a good speller wink

DS3 never did this, so we were taken aback once he started reading. I recovered quite fast saying that we will see if he would be able to read chapter books when he is 3. Some people (read me) just cannot be helped, you know. BTW He says that he doesn't want to read chapter books yet, so here you go wink
