Seems like you are on the right track. Perhaps local K if you can find a 'non-academic' half day program (with or without early enterance,) and then skip first to Gifted Magnet for 2nd.

Good luck with the wet children - I just turned over my clean, wet one to DH for the last leg into sleep. Luck for me, DH is great at quiet creeping, as DS sleeps with 'both ears open.'

Don't worry about College at 11. My son is Ruf level III (I think - can't remember that well) and tests at 3rd SD, and seems to be well on track with College at a young 17. Of course he may take a college class over the summer or one in the evening to keep the challenge level right, but I think that if you can accomidate when they are young, and teach good work ethic, you will have more choices at age 11. I like the trip to Europe Gap year idea!

Some kids do college locally at 11, and then 'sleep away college' at 17 - the point is to meet their needs, and not get too hung up on 'what it looks like.' Serious involvement in Music or Dance can eat up a lot of time (did I say that aloud?)and is great for teaching many life lessons.

The key thing is, that no matter what you do, you do not have to do it alone, or amoung people who think you are nuts.

And maybe it's a good time to remember what pleasures these dear children are - I have friends who say that they find spending so much time with their own children to be boring. I felt like I finally came home after my DS was born. I know, I'm not supposed to be using him to fill my needs for decent conversation - but I seriously was in Gifted Denial and didn't set up my life in such a way that a portion of my social life was spent with 'likeminded' women - that's why I'm here so much, but I'm fixing it in real life too!

Love and More Love,

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