HAHAHAHAHAH ... crappiness runs in circular motion!!!!! Oh great!

Let's step back and clarify so I can reliquish my decision process to you :-)

You suggest half-day K now and maybe skip 1. But to clarify, if I send #2 who is 4.5 to K we already going (very) early entrance with a Jan 19th birthday. So I don't see turning around and skipping 1 or is the suggestion to keep her in a pre-school program for the 08-09 year and go to gifted all day K instead of skipping into 1st? Make sense.

At least, i think I'm gaining more appreciation for the school. i should be more thankful that I have an all inclusive option that is free (minus gas and the siter we hire for me to pick up during nap time) regardless of its location. to have a charter school you know - failing district and this one has all the "glories" in the community that come with a severally economically depressed neighborhood.

also thanks for being so generous with your time. i wish you could have seen the shrink reacting to me after the assessments - you know ho with goes with the first.... I totally back peddled about why I wanted it done... and he kept saying come on, you had to know. and many of you understand - if not all - that you just might not. these kids are the only ones i've watched grow... we've picked up friends along the way but not enough to say my kid is different from all not just a few. I remember seeing a kindergarten goals sheet when I was looking for a 4 year old pre-school program and thinking, you are kidding right. you doesn't know their abcs and 123s, etc.

Also thanks to the post w personal experience to say our 99.9 is different than the 98/99th. It helps now making decisions and it will help as we make decisions that have to serve our whole family not just one child. Two weeks we'' know about #2 but we have to be careful not to trap ourselves into a perfect decision that only serves gt if #3 doesn't fall in or so high. she's only a year and a half. uh, course she seems to know half the alphabet so I didn't claim to be smacked out of denial yet.

How did it take me a year to check out this part of the davidson site!

Oh, as for dh and the bath - explain to me how he didn't notice that the 6 yr old who showered vs the 2 in the bath - came out with the same bun in her hair she went in with... think it out babe do you think that head is actually clean. oh well, we'll go with the 80% rule on that!