Originally Posted by kickball
Now, we did find a charter school (free but a really long drive) that offers self contained gifted classrooms. And, the skip went smooth as pie (minus her rough handwriting skills - she's still soring).

But here come the debate, along comes dd#2 who does not have that same first born self driven disposition...

Here's something to consider - would DD2 do K at the charter school? Given what you have seen of DD2, and the worked given to DD1 in the various grades, what grade do you think matches DD2's readiness? If DD2 is at or above DD1, do you think she could tolerate the gifted classroom without the gradeskip.

I don't think that gradeskips are only for kids who 'look' gifted, I think they are even more important for kids who don't have that 'built in work ethic.' Most important is to match the program and the kid. Where will she be most likely to find 'peers?'

I want to second that 'IQ's over 160' means you are reading books that don't use the currently availible tests. I think parents of girls have to be especially careful to place their daughters in situations where the child get used to pushing herself - so many girls are good at reading Adult expectations, and molding themselves to meet whatever the expectations are around them.

Best Wishes and remember...It's a process,

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