I am not sure the free time definition fits all. "creative and imagination". Does that assume that when a child has free time, they cannot watch TV? They have to do something creative and imaginative?

We live at the beach during the summer. Dd is on the beach from lunch until dinner. On weekends, she is on the beach in the mornings. She can swim, dig a hole to China, look for crabs or jellyfish -- whatever the project she or group of children are doing. Is that free time? She cannot choose to go to the playground, though there are swings on the beach and she choose to go there.

If you are going to define time as the child can switch and do something else on the spur, what are the limitations of choices? Do they have to stay in the house? In their room? Can they watch TV, use their computer? Can they do anything? What if they want to bake with you? Baking is usually something I have to schedule since I have to buy a mix and frosting (hey I do the best I can.)

I think you criticize me unnecessarily without clarifying what you think free time is.

When she goes and plays Barbie, or games on her computer, definitely free time. But children do not have the freedom today like I had. I could run across the street and meet friends and build forts in the woods in my free time. My child is pretty much in sight all the time. She is restricted due to safety concerns of today.
