I read all the comments. What a theraputic and thought provoking experience, and time consuming escape frOm running the vacuum. It showed some people had that upbringing and it works. Some people had that upbringing and are in therapy or dead. Some people didn't have strict up ringing and succeeded anyway (as is popular). Some people weren't raised that way and still are in therapy and wish they had been. I came out of the experience thinking, wow! I wonder if there's ever been another mother who has had this much access to this many people's stories in history ever? What a data rich an anecdotally comparable time we live in. How lucky and overwhelming are we to have all these expert opinions to consider. Truly.
I've mentioned I grew up religious. The hair pulling fits sounds famiar, but I think it was to teach me to be a good person, not over good grades. I wanted to mention, but didn't want to always pull up a controversial thread all the time. I was watching nat geo run their Amish special again when one of the girls doing their ram-a-dass whatcha call-it when their teenagers are sent out in the world to party and see their options before deciding weither or not they want to join the church. One of the girls decided not to. She decided she'll need professional therapy for the way she was raised. No t v, told how to dress. Super strict. Amish are known for their hard work if not their grades. So I was thinking, what are the Amish suicide rates? Because that seemed to be the big arguement in the Chinese authors comments, that strict parenting leads to uncreative unhappy adults as evidenced by japan's suicide rates. But it's unclear if japan's suicide rates are due to the economy and the fact that this style of parenting leads to unflexibility that can't handle crisis. Or if this style of parenting leads to greater family loyalty and responsibility and the men are commuting suicide because they don't leave their children and mothers for welfare to raise.

But, but, but... The story hurts because it's not about national parenting and the outcome of a citizenry. It's about how a couple kid's were raised. I emailed the story to my grandmother who said she was so glad I'm not raising her grandkids that way. Even though she's said before how proud she is that I'm doing a great job and teaching them right and teaching them how to learn and so far they love it. They love it!!! How American is that?! Lazy American mother.

Lazy? I spend at least as much time telling my kid to pick up his hotwheels off the floor as she tells her kid to play the piano. From what I read in the comments an immigrant mother won't let her child wash dishes, saying, "no darling, go study instead.". Ok they don't say "darling". They say "useless dog."

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar