These pictures are great! Thanks for posting them, everyone. Mine are on an old disk somewhere....

My daughter got angry (really angry) in the delivery room when they tried to stretch her out to measure her. It was obvious even to me in the fog of just having given birth. They also failed; she wouldn't allow it, and we found out when she was sleeping that they were 2" off.

She never had that lack of visual focus that young babies have. She could focus from day 1.

People kept telling me that my eldest was "such an awake baby!!" after he was born. I was a new parent and had no idea what they were talking about. My mother said it when he was 5 weeks old, and that's when I finally found out that "awake baby" meant "alert" rather than "not sleeping." crazy

I also didn't get all that "quiet alert" stuff that the baby books went on about. I mean, if he was awake, he was alert, and well, DS just didn't do quiet <sigh>.

Yeah, those were the times when I thought about how swell it would be to have a quiet, relaxed baby...just for an hour or so, you know?
