Awe, congrats La Texican! Do you know if you will be having a girl or a boy?

I think everyone in the room tripped out when seeing that. She lifted her head out of the womb and made it easy for the doctor to pull her out. I'm sure he is still talking about it. LOL

But we had signs before she was born that looking back now just made sense, but during the time really freaked us out! I would crash hard at night and while I was asleep my DH would play with DD, but one night I woke up to this play time. He was thumping music on my belly. 2 beats, 3 beats, back to 2 beats, etc. and then he would pause and she would repeat it back to him. At first I just laid there thinking I must be dreaming, but he did it again and she matched his beats. This was when I sat up and freaked out. "Did you feel that?!? OMG she is copying you!" DH: "Yeah, she has been doing that for weeks." ME: "Why didn't you tell me?" DH: "Because it was Daddy and Katelyn time." I guess if I never woke up he would never have shared that information with me.

Also he was tapping on my belly one night trying to get her to play and she had clearly been asleep. She became outraged by such an act and definitely let him know. My whole body shook as she started kicking and punching. I don't think that is normal.