My DD, when laying on my chest on her belly, would lift her head (just DAYS OLD) and turn it side to side and look around. I specifically remember having her on my bed as I did laundry and I walked across the room and she followed me with her eyes and her head. I thought... this can't be! Everything I read said they can only see inches away from them! I did it again, and same thing! I told the ped. about it and she said, "I believe it! she's consistently showing signs of being very intelligent!"

She RARELY slept. I remember wondering what was wrong with this baby who all the books said would sleep so much and would be sleeping more than being awake at such a young age. Not my kid! SHEESH! Even now, almost 9 years later, she STILL doesn't need the amount of sleep most kids her age do. She tells us she can't turn off her mind to go to sleep! Her daddy is the same way smile.