I love this thread! I'm reminiscing because DD turns 1 at the end of this month. I can't believe I almost have a one year old. *sniff*

I don't know if DD is gifted, but we've had so many of the things mentioned in this thread. Very alert at birth (in-laws called her "the owl") Social smile at 3 weeks, sitting completely alone at 4 months and turning the pages of books and spending 30 minutes at a time concentrating on taking a part this one stacking toy.

By 5-7 months (when she started crawling, then cruising) she was looking at books independently and turning pages the best she could. I remember that when she was three months everyone was constantly shocked that she wasn't a small 6 month old. When she was 4 months we went to her check up and were told she was one of the most advanced 4 month olds they'd ever seen.

She is just about running now (first step at 8 months) and has around 10 words (but doesn't talk much... enjoys babbling using da sound occasionally) and maybe around 15 signs. Her signs just started taking off the other week actually. One day she barely signed and the next she suddenly started signing almost everything in the Signing Time DVD that she loves.

She wants to feed herself with a spoon, tries to brush her own teeth and wants to help dress herself. She has this sock she carries over to me and she makes me put it on her foot over and over again so she can watch the process and figure out how to get it off again. She wants books read a lot over and over, too.

She is playing with her shape sorter (not very accurately, though) and has started doing things like climbing a toy to reach something higher and sneaking behind daddy to grab his controller after he lets her know he doesn't want to see her touching it. From what we can tell she has reached most of the average milestones up to 18 months.

Babyhood went way.too.fast. Seriously. I feel like I had a baby for 3 months. Part of me likes her quick independence, but a part of me is pretty sad. She is still nursing, though, so I'm glad we still have that. wink

Last edited by islandofapples; 11/14/11 08:06 PM.